I had some free time today on my lunch and I was able to scroll down my Facebook newsfeed! As I was scrolling I saw a few posts that I had to hide from my feed, and a few posts that made me feel really gross about what my generation is like. It challenged me not only to pray for this generation more... but to thank Jesus for the people that are still pursuing Him wholeheartedly - the people that encourage me and inspire me. The people I see Jesus in and the people I want to be like! So instead of focusing on the people conforming to the expectations and temptations of the world, I want to take a second to focus on the people that SHINE and the people that are transforming their lives to look like Jesus more and more every day; the people that inspire me, encourage me, and truly make a difference each day they live! I want to brag on the people that show Jesus and the people that strengthen me and bring me joy (even though I don't tell them often enough). These are just a few people who's hearts shine and I wanted to spotlight!
@Bethany Krawietz - This girl is dedicated to her studies. I truly admire how smart she is! She works hard, studies hard, and she's going FAR! She has ambition and drive and she knows what it's like to push yourself and to lean on Christ to strengthen you enough to get you through! Thank you Bethany for living out Phillippians 4:13 with your life!
@Mario Guerra - This guy has a passion for REVIVAL. He's an open vesssel at all times ready to be used by Jesus to shake the world up! I have no doubt in my mind that there is any place that The Lord would call him to that he wouldn't go to. He would give his life for his King and to see this world encounter JESUS! And that's a vision I stand behind! Thank you Mario for living out Isaiah 6:8 with your life!
@Audrey Self - This girl has always been artistic, dedicated, bright, and has always excelled in everything she does! As long as I've known her she's set high goals and taken every step needed to meet them! The last year for her has been a harder climb then anything I can imagine but she hasn't given up! She still shines, she's dedicated and she's a hard worker! She's developed endurance- and she's developing more every day! Every time I see her beautiful face light up my newsfeed I'm reminded to keep working, no matter how hard things seem! Endurance is a beautiful thing! Thank you Audrey for living out James 1:4 with your life!
@Jami David - One word: authentic. This beautiful lady is authentically full of JOY! I haven't spent a ton of one-on-one time with this woman but she has impacted my world in ways she hasn't realized as I've watched her vibrantly live for Jesus! Down to earth, fun, beautiful, and FAITH FILLED- everything she posts is authentically and UNIQUELY her. She's a servant, a worshipper, and loyal - but the thing that I thank Jesus for is her JOY. Jami, you are beautiful - and your joy encourages me from 300 miles away. You show the world what a praiser looks like every time you step on stage to use your gifts for Jesus as well as all the moments you're off-stage. Thank you for living out Psalm 28:7 with your life!
@Francis Isibor - How many times has this guy dug into the Word of God; how many times has he gone out to Whataburger with people from TBI (or out with people in general) solely with the purpose of talking about Jesus and sharing what he's being shown? I couldn't count the times I've seen him sharing wisdom and seeking wisdom, and to be honest if you asked him he probably couldn't count them either. Francis is close to the Fathers heart and is wise beyond his years! I admire that so much - because with every piece of wisdom Francis gains he gains a better understanding of our Father's heart! Not only that, but he's always ready to share what The Lord is showing him! Thank you Francis for living out Colossians 2:2-3 with your life!
@Bridgette Watson - I want to be fearless. I want to be adventurous - to have a heart for the world, and to be the unique person that God created me to be. I want to stand out - to be DIFFERENT and beautifully unique. Whether this girl is raising money for human trafficking, posting her OOTD, or loving on her parents, her STYLE is there, her mark is is there - and she is making her beautiful impression on this world by being the beautiful person Jesus has transformed her into! She stands out because she is FEARLESSLY HERSELF! Thank you Bridgette for living out Romans 12:2 with your life!
@Abby Burchfield - This woman radiates Jesus. Whether it's in her persistence, her purity, her patience, or her dedication to Jesus, she radiates the very purity and innocence that comes from being completely in love with your Savior. She is elegant and ladylike and truly is a role model for young women and mature women alike! She truly radiates Jesus by the way she intentionally chooses to live for Him daily and that beautiful radiance is something I admire and strive after! Thank you Abby for living out Psalm 37:6 with your life! (PS, NLT hits the nail on the head ;D)
Thank you all for all you do! You've shown me Jesus and I know I'm not the only one you're showing Him to. Never stop growing, never stop living out Phillippians 2:13!
Your friend,